
GOD'S ARMOR & ARSENAL: A Dynamic Journey Through Character Building & Discipleship. Children's Church Through High School Curriculum. Adaptable for All Ages

GOD’S ARMOR & ARSENAL is a dynamic thirteen-week, spiritually in-depth children's church through high school curriculum based on Ephesians 6:10-20 that will prepare your young people for spiritual warfare and the battles they face everyday. The enemy isn’t waiting until our young people are older to plan his attack; they are being targeted like never before in history. They are facing challenges and are exposed to more evils than any generation who has gone before them. GOD’S ARMOR & ARSENAL is written for this specific time in history. With GOD’S ARMOR & ARSENAL there is no need for our young people to feel scared, anxious or confused. Never again will they feel inadequate or not enough. They can march boldly into each day knowing who they are because they know whose they are. They are children of the most high God who is the creator of the heavens and earth and they are loved beyond measure and made beautifully in the likeness of a mighty God. They are heirs of God,

Totally Free Children's Church Curriculum, Sunday School Lessons and Youth Group Sermons Isn't Even the Best Part!

YAY! God guided you to the right place! Guess what? He always does! It's 09/03/2024 and this is the very first post and it is so exciting because what has taken many years to create is finally here and coming to life, This is where you will find current, relevant children's church curriculum, Sunday school lessons and youth group sermons. We could say the best part about it is that it's totally free but that isn't even near the best part. The best part is that you found a resource that will help you equip and empower the young saints God has entrusted to you. And (never start a sentence with an") by equip and empower, we mean in such a mighty way that they will not doubt who they are because they will know whose they are. They will experience God's great love for them, his miracle working power and they will know their purpose and live it!  The free children's church curriculum that you will find here is the same published curriculum that you will find for