Totally Free Children's Church Curriculum, Sunday School Lessons and Youth Group Sermons Isn't Even the Best Part!

YAY! God guided you to the right place! Guess what? He always does! It's 09/03/2024 and this is the very first post and it is so exciting because what has taken many years to create is finally here and coming to life, This is where you will find current, relevant children's church curriculum, Sunday school lessons and youth group sermons. We could say the best part about it is that it's totally free but that isn't even near the best part. The best part is that you found a resource that will help you equip and empower the young saints God has entrusted to you. And (never start a sentence with an") by equip and empower, we mean in such a mighty way that they will not doubt who they are because they will know whose they are. They will experience God's great love for them, his miracle working power and they will know their purpose and live it! 

The free children's church curriculum that you will find here is the same published curriculum that you will find for sale at bookstores and online at places like Amazon. This isn't a watered down version or only samples of Sunday school lessons or youth ministry sermons, this is the full version of our current, children's church curriculum. So, how do we get paid you ask. We don't even know! That's okay though if we don't know because God knows and we know the one who knows. We've stepped out in faith & dedicated ourselves full time to do what we know God is calling us to do, God has placed a sense of urgency upon our hearts & we know that it's crucial that the word he has given us gets into the hearts of young people everywhere. This is why it is free. We believe... no, we know that God will bless us through people like you and others who choose to purchase our curriculum even though they can get it for free. We are also praying & knowing that God will increase every purchase a thousand fold so that every payment will be returned to you multiplied by a thousand. 

YOU CAN PAY THE AUTHORS DIRECTLY HERE WITH PAYPAL - You can pay any amount you choose. 

May God bless you beyond imagination! 

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