Okay, real talk, just because we’re Christians doesn’t mean we will never fall on hard times or get tired or simply feel like we’ve had enough & can no longer go on. Sometimes life overwhelms us & there are times where we just don’t know what to do next. We pray for God to open the doors he wants us to walk through & close the ones he wants us to avoid but the journey can get tough. Some of us have experienced great loss & tragedy. Elijah was being hunted, most of his friends had been murdered & he was ready to give up & literally die. Who could blame him after what he had been through? So, what did he do? He laid down to die, but God wasn’t done with him & God isn’t done with you. You still have work to do. God spoke to Elijah & gave him the sustenance he needed to sustain him. Elijah could have chosen not to listen to God’s word; he could have chosen to not eat & quit & give up, but Elijah obeyed & his obedience prepared him for what was yet to come just as it prepared him & guided him all of his days up until that point.

Imagine for a moment what would have happened if Elijah refused to follow God’s word, if he took himself out of the equation & chose to stay down & not get back up to carry out God’s work. What would have become of Elisha? It would have had a profound impact on history & all the people he encountered & the ones those people came into contact with & also those people & so on & so forth all the way up until right at this very moment because he would no longer be known for his obedience but for his giving up if he was known for anything at all. So many miracles would have never happened including you reading this right now.

It's the same way with you. You do realize that don’t you? When you choose to not give up & to continue to move forward in obedience, every young person you minister to is like an Elisha hearing God’s call on his life through Elijah. You are in the midst of divine encounters & changing the course of history. Because of your obedience, God will always sustain you, give you what you need to get through & alter lives to grow the Kingdom.  


PSALMS 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, & a light unto my path.



EPHESIANS 6:15 - SANDALS OF PEACE: God, through Paul, tells us to shod our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. By knowing & obeying God’s word, we are prepared for anything & everything because we are aligned within the perfect will of God. When we take the time to learn God’s word then follow it in obedience, God guides us & lights the way. The Roman soldier’s sandals had sharp spikes on the bottom of them to help him stand firm & not slip but those spikes also helped him to defend against the enemy just like knowing & obeying God’s word defends attacks against us & works to defeat the enemy.


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